Via Coriolano, 12
95014 Giarre (CT) – Italia
P.IVA 05130630873

+39 324 848 7176

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Ballasanti production is focused on three monovarietal and two CRU wines, Nerello Mascalese for the reds and Carricante for the whites.
Ballasanti benefits from its collaboration with the Piedmontese winemaker, Luca Caramellino, who finds his own values reflected in the poetry of Ballasanti’s project and, in the slopes of Etna, something worthy of sinking his teeth (and his undisputed experience and vision) into.

There are three vineyards in production:

The Tenace Vineyard

at Contrada Chiusitti, consisting of 3 hectares of vineyards in a 6-hectare property in the Etna DOC regionsaint. Lying 850 meters above sea level and immediately east of the SP 59III leading to Linguaglossa, it is right on the wine route. The vineyard is exposed to the east, with Carricante grapes planted according to the Guyot training method, producing our whites: the Donna Manuela CRU which will be released in 2025 and the Etna Bianco DOC.
The volcanic soil is rich in potassium and iron.
GMaps coordinates: 37°44’31.6″N 15°09’33.6”E

Donna Manuela

coming out in 2025

Etna Bianco D.O.C.

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The Sublime Vineyard

consists of 2 hectares, in the San Basilio parish of Piedimonte Etneo, 600 metres above sea level. It lies in the Etna DOC region and has cultivated the Nerello Mascalese grape in three-branch sapling vines for over 50 years. The traditional sapling cultivation makes this vineyard a truly rare gem. These plants have been rooted in the black and red volcanic soil over decades and their generative power is given full expression in Nerello, giving rise to two wines, the Etna Rosso DOC and the Donna Mara CRU which will be released at the end of 2025.
GMaps coordinates: 37.809569, 15.143331

Donna Mara

coming out in 2025

Etna Rosso D.O.C.

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The Temerario Vineyard

is in the Ricceri Ciapparo neighbourhood of San Giovanni Montebello and is the historic vineyard where everything started and where the company’s headquarters are based. It consists of 2.5 hectares lying 450 metres above sea level. This vineyard is tended by Don Angelo, Manuela’s grandfather. In 2013 Manuela opted to revamp it and together with Fabio, they decided to replant the three-branch sapling vineyard to restore its former beauty and to enhance as best as possible the richness of the volcanic soil, even if it lies outside the Etna DOC region.
This young Nerello Mascalese vineyard produces the Sicilia Doc Nerello Mascalese.
GMaps coordinates: 37.742021, 15.159547

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Nerello Mascalese

Sicilia D.O.C.

Interview with Manuela Seminara

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In contrada Chiusitti, sulla strada del vino, a 800 metri dal livello del mare i nostri vigneti di Carricante danno vita ad un Etna bianco che presenta un’importante mineralità tipica di questo vitigno.
I venti preservano le uva dall’umidità regalando a questo vitigno autoctono il giusto livello di acidità.

UVE / 100% Carricante.
ZONA / Pendii dell’Etna in contrada Chiusitti, Mascali (CT).
ALTITUDINE / Circa 800 metri.
TERRENO / Vulcanico, permeabile, ricco di potassio e ferro, povero di azoto e fosforo assimilabile.
ALLEVAMENTO / Cordone speronato, seguendo i dettami dell’agricoltura biologica.
VENDEMMIA / Ultima decade di ottobre.
VINIFICAZIONE / Diraspatura soffice dei grappoli e breve contatto delle bucce sul mosto. Pressatura soffice ed estrazione del mosto fiore. Conduzione della fermentazione alcolica serbatoi termocondizionati alla temperatura di 13/15° C.
AFFINAMENTO / Sui lieviti per circa 60 – 90 giorni dopo il termine della fermentazione, con batonnage settimanali. Stabilizzazione biologica durante l’inverno e sedimentazione spontanea.
TRAVASO / A fine inverno e imbottigliamento nella primavera successiva alla vendemmia.



Il nostro Nerello Mascalese cresce da antichi vigneti coltivati ad alberello in contrada San Basilio a Piedimonte Etneo, piccolo paesino sulle pendici dell’Etna a 600 metri dal livello del mare.

UVE / 100% Nerello Mascalese.
ZONA / Pendii dell’Etna a Piedimonte Etneo (CT).
ALTITUDINE / Circa 600 metri.
TERRENO / Vulcanico, permeabile, ricco di potassio e ferro, povero di azoto e fosforo assimilabile.
ALLEVAMENTO / Da un vigneto centenario con viti allevate ad alberello singolo a tre branche.
VENDEMMIA / Ultima decade di settembre.
VINIFICAZIONE / Diraspatura dei grappoli e conduzione della fermentazione alcolica in serbatoi termocondizionati. Macerazione prolungata delle bucce con ausilio di rimontaggi e batonnage.
AFFINAMENTO / Il vino viene fatto riposare in piccoli recipienti in ceramica, parte in tonneaux di rovere francese con stabilizzazione biologica durante l’inverno e sedimentazione spontanea. Conduzione della fermentazione Malolattica in legno.
TRAVASO / A fine inverno. Imbottigliamento nell’estate del secondo anno successivo la vendemmia.
Affinamento in bottiglia per 6 mesi.



Le uve del nostro Sicilia DOC crescono in Contrada Ricceri Ciapparo a 450 metri dal livello del mare.

UVE / 100% Nerello Mascalese.
ZONA / Pendii dell’Etna in contrada Ricciari Ciappari San Giovanni Montebello, Giarre (CT).
ALTITUDINE / Circa 400 metri.
TERRENO / Vulcanico, permeabile, ricco di potassio e ferro, povero di azoto e fosforo assimilabile.
ALLEVAMENTO / Ad alberello singolo a tre branche seguendo i dettami dell’agricoltura biologica.
VENDEMMIA / Ultima decade di settembre.
VINIFICAZIONE / Diraspatura delicata dei grappoli e conduzione della fermentazione alcolica in serbatoi termocondizionati. Macerazione delle bucce per circa 20 giorni con follature manuali e delestage.
AFFINAMENTO / In acciaio termocondizionato e parte in fusti di rovere francese.
TRAVASO / A fine inverno e imbottigliamento a partire dall’estate dell’anno successivo la vendemmia. Affinamento in bottiglia per 6 mesi.



In Contrada Chiusitti, along the wine route and 800 meters above sea level, our Carricante vineyards bring our Etna Bianco to life, with its noteworthy minerality typical of this vine.
The local wind protects the grapes from humidity, giving this native vine just the right level of acidity.

GRAPES / 100% Carricante.
PRODUCTION AREA / Etna slopes in the contrada Chiusitti, Mascali (CT).
ALTITUDE / Approx. 800 meters.
SOIL / Volcanic, permeable, rich in potassium and iron, low in nitrogen and assimilable phosphorous.
CULTIVATION / Spurred cordon, following the principles of organic agriculture.
HARVEST / Last ten days of October.
VINIFICATION / Gentle destemming and brief maceration. Gentle pressing and extraction of first-pressing of must. Alcoholic fermentation in temperature-controlled tanks at 13/15°.
REFINEMENT / Aging on the lees for approx. 60-90 days following fermentation, with weekly batonnage. Biological stabilization over the winter and spontaneous sedimentation.
RACKING / At the end of winter and bottling in the spring after the harvest.



Our Nerello Mascalese grapes grow from ancient sapling vines “ad alberello” in Contrada San Basilio in Piedimonte Etneo, a small village on the slopes of mount Etna 600 meters above sea level.

GRAPES / 100% Nerello Mascalese.
PRODUCTION AREA / Etna slopes in Piedimonte Etneo (CT).
ALTITUDE / Approx. 600 meters.
SOIL / Volcanic, permeable, rich in potassium and iron, low in nitrogen and assimilable phosphorous.
CULTIVATION / From a centenary vineyard with three branches single bush vine system.
HARVEST / Last ten days of September.
VINIFICATION / Destemming of the grapes. Alcoholic fermentation in temperature-controlled tanks. Extended skin maceration with pumping over and batonnage.
REFINEMENT / The wine is refined in small ceramic containers, and partly in French oak tonneaux with biological stabilization over the winter and spontaneous sedimentation. Malolactic fermentation in wood containers.
RACKING / At the end of winter. Bottling during the second summer following harvest.
Aged in bottles for 6 months.



The grapes of our Sicilia DOC grow in Contrada Ricceri Ciapparo, just 450 meters above sea level.

GRAPES / 100% Nerello Mascalese.
PRODUCTION AREA / Etna slopes in the contrada Ricciari Ciappari San Giovanni Montebello, Giarre (CT).
ALTITUDE / Approx. 400 meters.
SOIL / Volcanic, permeable, rich in potassium and iron, low in nitrogen and assimilable phosphorous.
COLTIVATION / Three branches single bush vine system, following the principles of organic agriculture.
HARVEST / Last ten days of September.
VINIFICATION / Gentle destemming and alcoholic fermentation in temperature-controlled tanks. Skin maceration for about 20 days with manual punch down and delestage.
REFINEMENT / In temperature-controlled steel vats and partly in French oak barrels.
RACKING / At the end of the winter, with bottling from the summer of the year following the harvest. Aged in bottles for 6 months.